Lesson series

Parenting Courses Online

Embark on a journey of nurturing considerate behaviour in your children and young people through our comprehensive online parenting coaching courses. Join us on this enlightening path as we aim to empower you with insights and techniques to establish a foundation of respect and harmony within your family. With a flexible course duration that adapts to your pace, investing in your parenting skills has never been this accessible and rewarding. Enrol today to foster an environment of understanding, kindness, and love in your household.

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
The advice provided in these online courses is drawn from my training as a clinical psychologist, my extensive reading in the field, my own parenting experience, and my many years observing and coaching parents, children and young people. I hope that my advice is helpful and inspirational to you and inspires you in your parenting journey. This disclaimer reminds advice-seekers these courses are non-clinical and solely educational in nature, that this does not constitute a therapist/client relationship and you are responsible for the use you make of all advice in these courses.

– Dr Anna Cohen

 Online Parenting Courses

If you are busy parent who wants to make some small changes that will have a positive impact on your family life then you have come to the right place
The skills are all-based on best parenting practices, and best of all, they are tried and tested. 
If you want to make positive change within your family dynamic, then I believe that you are one course away from achieving this!
It’s time to start your journey of being the best version of yourself as a parent! 

No matter how practised we become, there will always be better and worse days, breakdowns and breakthroughs, on our journey to being the kind of parents our children need. And that’s okay. We’re here to play the long game: persistently practising the kind of parenting that raises joyful, self-caring, confident, curious, compassionate young people, who grow into wonderful community members and empowered adults.

The information  contined in these online courses is non-clinical in nature and does not constitute a therapist client relationship. This is designed to be a resource only.

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